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GIBD members have organized a series of sessions and will deliver a number of presentations on geospatial big data and spatial computing at the Symposium on Harnessing the Geospatial Data Revolution for Sustainability Solutions, 2023 AAG Annual Meeting. All sessions are now accepting abstracts. We welcome your contributions.

  • Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications I

  • Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications II

  • Human Mobility Analytics in Big Data Era
  • Harnessing Geospatial Big Data for Infectious Diseases
  • Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management
  • Urban Sensing and Understanding via Big Data and GeoAI

  • Harnessing Geospatial Big Data for Mental Health Issues

  • Multimodal Learning with Geospatial Big Data

  • Uncertainties in Big Data Analytics in Disaster Research


Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications


Zhenlong Li   University of South Carolina​​

Qunying Huang  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Eric Shook  University of Minnesota

Wenwu Tang  University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Call for Participation:

The convergence of big data and geospatial computing has brought challenges and opportunities to GIScience with regards to geospatial data management, processing, analysis, modeling, and visualization. Earth observation systems and model simulations are generating massive volumes of disparate, dynamic, and geographically distributed geospatial data with increasingly finer spatiotemporal resolutions. Meanwhile, the ubiquity of smart devices, location-based sensors, and social media platforms provide extensive geo-information about daily life activities. Efficiently analyzing those geospatial big data streams enables us to investigate complex patterns and develop new decision-support systems, thus providing unprecedented values for sciences, engineering, and business. However, handling the “Vs” (volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value) of geospatial big data is a challenging task as they often need to be processed, analyzed, and visualized in the context of dynamic space and time. This section aims to capture the latest efforts on utilizing, adapting, and developing new computing approaches, spatial methods, and data management strategies to tackle geospatial big data challenges for supporting geospatial applications in different domains such as climate change, disaster management, human dynamics, public health, and environment and engineering.

Potential topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Geo-cyberinfrastructure integrating spatiotemporal principles and advanced computational technologies (e.g., high-performance computing, cloud computing, and deep learning/GeoAI).
• New computing and programming frameworks and architecture or parallel computing algorithms for geospatial applications.
• New geospatial data management strategies and data storage models coupled with high-performance computing for efficient data query, retrieval, and processing (e.g., new spatiotemporal indexing mechanisms).
• New computing methods considering spatiotemporal collocation (locations and relationships) of users, data, and computing resources.
• Geospatial big data processing, mining and visualization methods using high-performance computing and artificial intelligence.
• Other research, development, education, and visions related to geospatial big data computing.

To present a paper in the session, please submit your abstract online, and email your abstract code, paper title, and abstract to one of following organizers by Nov. 11, 2022.

Harnessing Geospatial Big Data for Infectious Diseases


Zhenlong Li   University of South Carolina​​​​​

Fengrui Jing  University of South Carolina

Shengjie Lai  University of Southampton

Bo Huang  Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Call for Participation:

Public health is inextricably linked to geospatial context. Where, when, and how people interact with natural, social, built, economic and cultural environments directly influence human health outcomes, policy making, planning and implementation, especially for infectious diseases such as COVID-19, HIV, and influenza. Geospatial data has long been used in health studies, dating back to John Snows’ groundbreaking mapping of cholera outbreaks in London, and continuing today in a wide range of scientific inquiries, e.g., examining the effects of environmental, neighborhood, and demographic factors on health outcomes, understanding accessibility and utilization of health services, modeling the spread of infectious diseases, assessing the effectiveness of disease interventions, and developing better healthcare strategies to improve health outcomes and equity.

Emerging sources of geospatial big data, such as data collected from social sensing, remote sensing, and health sensing (health wearables) contain rich information about the environmental, social, population, and individual factors for health that are not available in traditional health data and population statistics. Along with innovative spatial and computing methodologies in GIScience, geospatial big data provides unprecedented opportunities for advancing the infectious disease research. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic further highlights the demand on and the power of big data and spatial analysis in modeling, simulating, mapping, and predicting the spread of infectious diseases and their intervention across the world.

Along these lines, this session aims to capture recent advancements in leveraging geospatial big data and spatial analysis in infectious disease-related research, such as disease mapping and cluster detection, early detection and warning of disease outbreaks, and spatial analysis and modeling of disease spread and control. Potential topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Collection, processing, and integration of geospatial big data (e.g., satellite images, floor plans, 3D models, social media and mobile phone data) with health big data (e.g., electronic medical records) to extract geospatial context at various spatiotemporal scales (e.g., environmental risks, socioeconomic factors, and population mobility) to address infectious disease questions.
• Innovative methodologies for geospatial big data analytics in the context of infectious diseases, including geocomputation algorithms and geostatistical models. For example, assessing the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in preventing the resurgence of COVID-19 using human mobility data.
• Combining geospatial big data with advanced computing technologies such as machine learning (ML) and geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) to uncover hidden patterns and new information in infectious diseases related to, for example, the spreading, disparity, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19.
• Developing accessible and reusable geovisualization and mapping methods, sharable data products, and online tools that help foster multidisciplinary collaborations, engage community and facilitate public understanding and decision making during disease outbreaks such as the COIVD-19 pandemic.

To present a paper in the session, please submit your abstract online, and email your abstract code, paper title, and abstract to one of following organizers by November 11, 2022.

Human Mobility Analytics in Big Data Era


Naser Lessani   University of South Carolina​​​​​

Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Huan Ning  University of South Carolina

Naser Lessani  University of South Carolina

Call for Participation:

Human movement and migration have expanded significantly over the last decades, and it imposed great challenges on human societies. Understanding the patterns of human mobility helps to address the existing challenges in urban planning, the spread of infectious diseases, traffic forecasting, climate change, public health, disaster management, and human behavior. As we have witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic, during this period, investigating human movement became more urgent than ever before to forecast and illustrate how this leads to the spread of Coronavirus disease and more importantly how to prevent further transmission. In the meantime, human mobility data became available for researchers and communities on a huge scale; it has provided opportunities and also given rise to challenges regarding how to analyze, how to create comprehensive models, extract practical knowledge, and visualize these rich resources. For instance, social media services nurture extensive geo-location information regarding daily activities, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other smart devices. Effectively utilizing these resources enable us to reveal how human move along networks, and its influences on societies, and provides insightful information for people across various sectors to make better decision and adapt to a rapidly changing world. However, constructing informative information is not straightforward in human mobility data, working with it is a complex and challenging undertaking. Furthermore, since geo-location data contains space and time dimensions, thus, the complexity and computation time of its analysis is burdensome. On the other hand, maintaining individual privacy is of the utmost importance when studying human movement at the individual level.

This session aims to welcome up-to-date approaches addressing human mobility in a broad range: developing new models handling geospatial big data with regard to human movement, data management tools, addressing the importance of investigating human movement patterns in public health, environment, challenges and existed biases in human mobility data, the application of high-performance computing technologies in this domain, and how enterprises across different sectors are leveraging human mobility data to develop strategies to studies changes in human behavior. Or global mental health and human mobility, and studying current and future human movement patterns to meaningful policies and practices. However, the domain is unrestricted to the aforementioned topics, and studies related to human movement are welcomed.
To present a paper in the session, please submit your abstract online ( ), and email your abstract code, paper title, and abstract to one of the following organizers by November 11, 2022.

Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management


Zhenlong Li   University of South Carolina
​​​​Naser Lessani  University of South Carolina

Qunying Huang  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Christopher Emrich  University of Central Florida

Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Call for Participation:

Rapid onset disasters, often difficult to prepare for and respond to, make disaster management a challenging task worldwide. Disaster and emergency management effectiveness depends heavily on making good decisions in near-real time under extreme duress. These key, often life-saving, decisions are possible only with real-time data sources and the ability to timely collect, process, synthesize, and analyze these multi-sourced data. Traditional data collection practices such as remote sensing and field surveying often fail to offer timely information during or immediately following damaging events. For example, stream gauges are only useful for flood mapping while the stations are functioning properly and before they are overtopped by floodwaters and rendered inoperable.

Fortunately, sharing information such as texts, images, and videos through social media platforms enables all citizens to become part of a large sensor network and a homegrown disaster response team. Compared to traditional physical sensors, such a citizen-sensor network (social sensing) is low cost, more comprehensive, and always broadcasting situational awareness information. For example, with social sensing, massive amounts of micro-level disaster information (e.g., site specific damage) can be captured in real-time through social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) and voluntarily reported via dedicated crowdsourcing applications (volunteered geographic information, VGI), enabling rapid assessment of evolving disaster situations. On the other hand, data collected with social sensing is often massive, heterogeneous, noisy, unreliable, and comes in continuous streams. This is inherent “Big Data”, for example, millions of microblog posts from different social media platforms can be generated in a short time right after an impactful disaster. Hence, Big Data computing methods and technologies such as cloud computing, distributed geo-information processing, spatial statistics/modeling, data mining, spatial database, and multi-source data fusion become critical components of using social sensing to understand the impact of and response to the disaster events in a timely fashion.

Along these lines, this session on “Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management” aims to capture the insights in and bring up the discussion of leveraging social sensing and big data computing for supporting disaster management in one or more disaster phases (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery).

To present a paper in this session, you will register and submit your abstract online. Then email your presenter identification number (PIN) to one of the following organizers by November 11th, 2022.

Urban Sensing and Understanding via Big Data and GeoAI

Huan Ning   University of South Carolina
​​​​​Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Fengrui Jing  University of South Carolina


Huan Ning  University of South Carolina

Call for Participation:

Billions of people live in cities. They organize themself to create civilization and enjoy their products that come from tremendous collaboration. Cities are complex organisms, and urban life is deeply rooted in the dynamic patterns of cities. Humans create a better life by building better cities. In this progress, there is an essential need to sense the impulse of the city matrix, i.e., urban sensing, which refers to the technologies to sense and acquire dynamic patterns of city and human behaviors in the urban space. The ultimate goal of urban sensing is to build prosperous, sustainable, and equitable cities. To serve this goal, the scientific and engineering communities have responsibility to innovate theories and practices to monitor, analyze, model, predict, and intervene the urban phenomena.

Emerging geospatial big data, such as remote sensing imagery, street view images, social media, and human mobility, are major observations in urban sensing. Analyzing these observations bring technical challenges, such as data acquisition, management, and mining. Recent progress of artificial intelligence for geospatial data (GeoAI) has proven to be powerful tool for information/knowledge extraction from big data. We believe that geospatial big data and GeoAI are among the most promising approaches to address the technical challenges in contemporary urban sensing. This session aims to capture the recent advancements in using geospatial big data/GeoAI to sense and understand urban environments, including conceptualization, knowledge framework, toolbox organization, and applications.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Exploration of the definitions and sources of urban geospatial big data
• Spatiotemporal scales of geospatial big data in urban settings
• Technology on capturing, storing, processing, and analyzing urban geospatial big data
• Geo-senor network and Internet of things
• Human mobility trajectories
• Urban hazard vulnerability assessment and emergency response
• General data processing and analyzing frameworks for urban geospatial big data
• Social or physical phenomena mining, modeling, and visualization in urban areas using geospatial big data
• Data representation and fusion of multi-modality observations in urban environments, such as images, text, sound, demography, and activities in cyberspace
• Privacy policies of urban geospatial big data
• Interdisciplinary applications based on urban geospatial big data, such as public health

To present a paper in this session, you will register and submit your abstract online ( Then email your presenter identification number (PIN) to one of the following organizers by November 11th, 2022.

Harnessing Geospatial Big Data for Mental Health Issues

Fengrui Jing   University of South Carolina
​​​​Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Huan Ning  University of South Carolina

Shan Qiao  University of South Carolina

Fengrui Jing  University of South Carolina

Call for Participation:

Mental health issues significantly impact individuals’ life, such as physical health conditions, school or work performance, as well as relationships with family and friends. For society, mental health issues impact social security and economic development. Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health conditions, with a combined annual cost of $1 trillion to the global economy. Mental health issues are currently on the rise globally. According to the United Nations, mental health issues now affect approximately 20% of children and adolescents worldwide, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds, and approximately 1 in 5 people in post-conflict settings suffer from a mental health condition.
Questionnaires, census data, and medical records have traditionally been used extensively in various aspects of mental health research. However, using traditional data still presents challenges, including data update periods, dataset accessibility, and data volumes. Emerging geospatial big data addresses these drawbacks due to its large data volume, rich attributes, ease of access, and high spatial and temporal resolution. The relationship between the environment and mental health, as well as the development of place-based policies for mental health surveillance, prediction, and intervention, necessitate the use of geospatial data. Geospatial big data is thus being used in various mental health studies, such as the relationship between environmental exposure and mental health using street view imagery, regional mental health status monitoring using social media data, and mental health service utilization analysis using social media apps.

This session seeks to capture recent advances in the use of geospatial big data and spatial analytics in mental health-related research, such as depression prevalence mapping, neighborhood-level depression surveillance, intervention, and prediction, and mechanism interpretation and analysis of mental health issues. Possible topics (but are not limited to) are the examples listed below.
• Utilizing geospatial big data (e.g., satellite images, street views, social media, mobile phone data, and traffic data) to extract geospatial contexts (e.g., environmental exposure, socioeconomic features, and human mobility) and mental health-related outcomes (e.g., subjective well-being and mental health service utilization) at various spatiotemporal scales to address theoretical questions related to mental health, such as the relationship between environmental exposure, human mobility, and mental health.
• Integrating sophisticated geostatistical techniques and geospatial big data to address practical questions related to mental health. For example, combing geospatial big data with advanced computational techniques such as machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) to use human mobility data and street-view environmental exposure data for mental health prevalence prediction at fine spatiotemporal levels, or to use social media data for suicide intervention.
• Developing accessible, participatory, and shareable mental health-related geovisualization approaches, data products, and online tools to serve researchers from various disciplines, the public from various backgrounds, and to aid communities, businesses, governments, and stakeholders in decision-making, such as site selection tools for mental health clinics.

To present a paper in this session, you will register and submit your abstract online ( Then email your presenter identification number (PIN) to one of the following organizers by November 11th, 2022.

Multimodal Learning with Geospatial Big Data

Meiliu Wu   University of Wisconsin-Madison
​​​​Qunying Huang  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Xiao Huang  University of Arkansas

Zhenlong Li  University of South Carolina

Alexander Michels  University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Jinwoo Park  Texas A&M University

Song Gao  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Call for Participation:

Geospatial Big Data technology has been one of the key engines driving the new academic and industrial revolution. However, the majority of current Geospatial Big Data research efforts have been devoted to single-modal data analysis, leading to a huge gap in performance when algorithms are carried out separately. Although significant progress has been made, single-modal geospatial data is often insufficient to derive accurate and robust models in many geospatial applications.
In fact, multimodal is the most general form of geographic information representation and delivery in the real world. Using geospatial multimodal data is natural for humans to make accurate perceptions and decisions, as our digital world is essentially multimodal, combining different modalities of data (e.g., text, audio, images, and videos). Multimodal data analytics algorithms often outperform single-modal data analytics in many geospatial problems and applications. In particular, in the context of geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) and machine learning (ML), we see the demand for spatially explicit multimodal learning as better ways to design AI/ML models by incorporating spatial knowledge and spatial inductive bias (e.g., spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity) from geospatial multimodal data.
Similarly, multi-sensor geospatial information fusion has also been a topic of great interest in both academic and industrial fields. Organizations and institutions working on remote sensing applications, smart cities, urban computing, human dynamics, disaster resilience, or land use and land cover mapping have grown exponentially. They are attempting to automate processes by using a wide variety of geospatial information from various sources. Meanwhile, many geospatial problems have witnessed huge advancements with multimodal learning, such as geospatial knowledge and semantics mining, geographic question answering, and urban scene understanding.
With the rapid development of Geospatial Big Data technology and its remarkable applications in many fields, multimodal learning with Geospatial Big Data is a timely topic. This session aims to serve as a forum for researchers to share their recent advances in this promising topic, and to seek more interdisciplinary interaction and collaboration in its development.
To present your work in this session, you will register and submit your abstract to the AAG annual meeting website, and email your presenter identification number (PIN) and the abstract to Meiliu Wu ( by Nov 11, 2022 along with your preference for an in-person or virtual presentation. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the session organizers.

In this session, we welcome submissions broadly contributing to the research on multimodal learning with geospatial big data. Multimodal learning algorithm design and developments tailored on geospatial big data are particularly welcome. The goal of this session is to solicit original contributions of recent findings in theory, methodologies, and applications in the field of multimodal learning with geospatial big data. The list of topics includes, but not limited to:
• Multimodal modeling with geospatial big data
• Geospatial cross-modal learning
• Contrastive learning with geospatial multimodal data
• Spatial analytics and geovisualization with multimodal big data
• Geospatial multimodal data fusion and data representation
• Geospatial multimodal big data infrastructure and management (e.g., data quality, uncertainties, and validation)
• Multimodal scene understanding
• Geospatial multimodal perception and interaction
• Geospatial multimodal benchmark datasets and evaluations
• Geospatial multimodal information tracking, retrieval and identification
• Multimodal learning for geospatial object localization, detection, classification, recognition and segmentation (e.g., remote sensing imagery processing, street view imagery analysis)
• Language and vision in the geospatial domain (e.g., geospatial knowledge and semantics mining, geographic question answering, and urban scene understanding)
• Geospatial multimodal applications (e.g., smart cities, urban computing, human dynamics, disaster resilience, land use and land cover mapping)

Uncertainties in Big Data Analytics in Disaster Research


• Bandana Kar, AAAS Science, Technology and Policy Fellow at the U.S. Dept. of Energy (
• T. Edwin Chow, Texas State University (
• Zhenlong Li, University of South Carolina (
• Qunying Huang, University of Wisconsin (

Call for Participation:

The growth of information and communication technologies (ICT) has enabled citizen participation in scientific investigation (a.k.a. citizen science) and sharing of data and information via social media (e.g., Twitter), and social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), and Wikis (e.g., OpenStreetMap) which enables the public to share and edit geographic data and maps. The advancements in Internet of Things (IoTs) and connected devices including drones and aerial robotics have enabled the use of social media citizen generated big data to understand human dynamics, and their interaction with the built environments. Significant advancements have been made to collect and analyze these data for emergency response, risk communication, mobility studies among others.

The big data derived from citizen sensors tend to suffer from a myriad of uncertainties in terms of positional accuracy, context ambiguity, credibility, reliability, representativeness and completeness. Moreover, there are also serious concerns about data provenance and privacy. While there is no shortage in big data applications, the quality issue of these data remains an intellectual and practical challenge. A lack of data provenance for these data combined with unavailability of high-quality reference data appropriate to its enormous volume, heterogeneous structure in near real-time make it difficult to evaluate the quality of these data. Moreover, the notion of “ground truth” in social science research is subjected to the discourse of space-place dichotomy, the spatial and contextual randomness in human behaviors. The heterogeneous nature of these data in terms of data structure and content requires a tremendous amount of processing at various stages of analytics before the data could be integrated with other geospatial datasets for decision-making purposes. Privacy awareness is of increasing importance to data management, dissemination and distribution in many research projects. Although aggregation, permutation or masking techniques can be used to protect data privacy without compromising the overall quality of data, its effectiveness depends on the degree of distribution heterogeneity of the geographic phenomenon.

This session welcomes basic and empirical research that advances existing understanding and techniques to address the quality issue of big data generated from social media and its impact on applications pertaining to human dynamics, built environments and hazards. Possible topics may include but are not limited to:

• Quality issues in social media big data
• Challenges in collecting, processing and analyzing big data for real-time applications
• Big data quality and its impact in decision making
• Calibration and validation techniques/approaches in big data
• Data fusion of multi-source and/or heterogeneous datasets
• Big data analytics in hazards and built-environment
• Big data analytics in human movements and behaviors during disasters
• Geo-visualization techniques to analyze and visualize social media data
• Privacy and big data management
• Provenance and metadata generation
• Applications of machine-learning and computer vision in disaster research
• New methods to measure social media credibility of social media content and users
• Influential social media user detection

If interested in participating in this session, please send the confirmation of a successful abstract submission to us by November 30th, 2022, and state whether your talk will be virtual or in-person.

Where/When: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, March 23 – March 27, 2023, Denver. Additional information regarding the conference could be found at: