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Statistical analysis and HTML report

Statistical analysis and HTML report

Task What’s the association between median household income and obesity? Please generate a HTML report to include the regression analysis, r-square, p-value, and be sure to include a one paragraph report to interpret the findings. Dataset PA County shapefile...
Terrain analysis with DEM data

Terrain analysis with DEM data

Spatial task Merge the four DEMs into a single raster and perform terrain characteristic analysis for Richland County, including slope, aspect, hillshade, terrain ruggedness index (TRI), and topographic Position Index (TPI). Datasets Four DEM datasets for Richland...
School sidewalk length analysis

School sidewalk length analysis

Spatial task For each school in Columbia, calculate the length of sidewalks within 500 meters. Datasets Columbia sidewalk Columbia schools Result
Geometry calculation and data extraction

Geometry calculation and data extraction

Spatial task Generate centroids for each building feature, extract the elevation values from the DEM at each building centroid, and export the elevation data to draw a histogram with 50 bins using Seaborn. Datasets Penn State University DEM Penn State University...